Get a Frog Kissing Radar Device

I just read a great article entitled 'Get a Frog Kissing Radar Device' from Sarah Owen of the Referral Institute in the UK.

I have written about the importance of follow up in this blog before. In Sarah's article she suggests it would be great to have a device that told us who to follow up with. In the absence of such a device she suggests some indicators to watch out for when you meet someone networking. Read the full article in the networking articles section of the NRG networks website.

I find myself asking some fairly simple questions when I meet someone.
What do you do?
Who are your typical clients?
What problem do you solve for them?
Any examples?
Who else sells to your market?
How did you get into this business?
What help are you looking for?
What contacts are you looking for?

The answers and how they answer help me to form an impression. It helps me to assess whether I like them, if there are points of contact and any interesting things to follow up.

How do you qualify a potential advocate?

Good Networking!
Dave Clarke
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